So after two horrible day of packing and eating all at all of my favorite establishments in KC, I found myself at KCI last Tuesday. This was the scene of another waterworks display. Telling my mom, Allison, Kerri, and little good bye was pretty difficult. As I went through security, I'm pretty sure the guy running the show let me through without question, purely out of pity. I was fine once I was on the plane...until Philadelphia. No one has ever cried like I did over the deliciousness of what was the best (but maybe only) Philly Cheesesteak I've had in my life. After a call to my sister and a pep talk from her, I was boarding the plane to London. I haven't shed one tear since!
I arrived early Wednesday morning here (KC is six hours behind London). I had it all set up to have a driver pick me up from Heathrow...only I booked it on April 6 (the date of my actual flight) not April 7 (the day I arrived). Whoopsy! The driver came back to get me though, which was nice as I would have had no idea where I was going or what to do. He did advise me that I would be able to get the best drugs in Hackney, the borough in London which I am going to be working. I didn't mention that this was exactly what I was coming to work against. I figured I would have instantly lost some London street credit.
Right now, I am living with Camille, an American coworker of mine until I can find my own flat. Camille and her son moved over from New York in September. They have been so welcoming and helpful. My transition here would not be going so smoothly without them. They live in a super nice, quiet community in East London. I think I will most likely end up in the area myself.
So over the last four days I have really mostly been either walking or walking lost. The first day when I got here, I had to go to Central London to pick up some paperwork so I could open a bank account. I had not slept in 36 hours and I was wearing the same thing I was when I left KC. I'm think I'm lucky I got home alive. It is a tricky, tricky thing to remember which way to look when crossing the street around here...especially going on no sleep. I can use the sleep thing as an excuse, but if I'm honest with myself, I think it's only a matter of time before I get hit by a car.
That night after Camille got off work, we went to eat at the local pub. It was pretty much everything I ever dreamed it would be. So cute and quaint! I ate a Cottage Pie with peas and chips. I washed it down with a Strongbow. Very British!
On Thursday, I had an appointment to open a bank account in the morning so I got back on the tube and headed back to Central London. My first encounter with a huge landmark was a little anti-climatic. I didn't know where I was and when I turned a corner and looked up, I saw The London Bridge. It actually is quite spectacular. I just wasn't quite prepared for it. Later in the day, I went and hit up Regent Street. Holy Moly! Shopping like I have never ever seen in my life! I refrained from buying anything though (aside from hangers) as I have been on an employment hiatus for four months now.
Friday was a big day for me as I actually got a phone. I don't have credit in the UK so I'm going to be going the pay as you go route for the next couple of months. I have a really annoying crap phone that is really pretty expensive...especially when you call your family in the US after some drinks. :) I also went to Hackney, where I will be working to scope out the scene there. It is quite urbanized. I'm really excited to be working in the community, but I'm not so sure I'm cut out to live there on my own yet. The building I am going to be working in is brand new (like two weeks brand new) and it looks considerably different than KVC in Paola.
On Friday night, I met up with Andrea (another American expat in the UK...and my lifeline) for some drinks and dinner with her boyfriend (or partner) :) Steve and their friends. I had my first curry in the UK. That spice just never gets old to me!
Yesterday, I set out to tackle the London bus system. (It is just unbelievably confusing but I do fight people off for the best seat on top of the red double decker bus! ...I trying to not be a stereotypical American tourist, but sometimes it's impossible for me.) I must admit, as of Sunday morning, I have not yet seen Big Ben, Buckigham Palace, Westminister Abbey, or the London Eye...but I have seen Costco in London! It's amazing how similar it is to Costco's at home (another one of my favorite pass times in KC). The Brits share my passion for Costco too. The place was insanely busy! The most exciting thing I found while there was this pass for a Hot Air Balloon ride for 155 Pounds! This is most likely something I am going to have to partake in. Soon! You even get champagne! After Costco, I went to Ikea, which I have never experienced before. I could be quoted to say that Nebraska Furniture Mart is one of the most overwhelming places on earth. Well, I think I can take that back. When I finally find a place of my own, I anticipate a very long day at that place. I am not sure if I am excited about it or terrified.
All in all, things are going very very well. I really love it here so far. I would guess that I ask around 15-20 people for directions everyday, and no one has been rude yet. People have told me several times they are watching out for me to make sure I'm getting on and off the right busses, not living in questionable neighborhoods, etc. Yesterday, a cute little older British couple stayed on the bus with me to make sure I got to Costco okay. I wanted to take a picture of them...but I thought they might think I was crazy. On Friday night on my way home on the tube, a couple of Amy Winehouse look-a-likes (but not so much act-a-likes) told me that people are going to love my American accent and I need to take advantage of it, which while I'm getting lost as much as I am, I guess I will. :) When I told them I was from Kansas, they sang the theme song to Oklahoma for the rest of the trip home. I would also guess that one out of of two people I meet as me how long it took me to get here on the yellow brick road or about Toto. Haha! ...I've heard it all my life.
Anyway, sorry this is soo so long. I'll try to cut it down next time. I start work in the morning so I anticipate that my exciting life is going to slow down some. Maybe not though, I am a social worker after all!
I'm going to post some other pics on Facebook as well...
I'm so glad you're venturing out and enjoying your time in London so far. My advice: "mind the gap." (If you don't understand, ask a friend out there.) Take care!