About Me

London, United Kingdom

Monday, March 29, 2010


To catch everyone up to speed...
Since traveling to Europe a couple of years ago, I have often thought about living and working overseas. About a year and a half ago I began to actively pursue moving to the UK. Admittedly, the fact that they speak English is quite appealing to me, especially as a social worker. Finally, in December of 2009, I was offered a job with the London Borough of Hackney in Northeast London. It's been quite a process and there's also kind of a long story behind it but I actually left my job (really the only "real" job I've ever had) in December, which has been bittersweet. I have gotten to spend a lot of time with some of the most important people in my life, something I would not have been able to do if I would have continued to live the crazy busy life of a social worker at my old job. I do miss the people there (and the craziness) like crazy though!

So, after lots and lots of paperwork and lots and lots and LOTS of waiting, I was notified by the British consulate in Chicago today that my visa has been issued. I am going to be anxiously waiting for a package from UPS tomorrow so I can book my flight. I hope to leave next Tuesday! Crazy!

So this week (amongst trying to pack my entire life into a couple of suitcases) I am going to be doing all things American and seeing as many people as I can before I leave. I hope to make several trips to my favorite restaurants as I understand they just don't do food the way we do here. Over the course of the next several days you will most likely find me at Mi Ranchito or Oklahoma Joe's (possibly stealing BBQ sauce to take with me when I leave). I will also probably spend lots of time at Target, Costco (though they have these in London), and who could forget Quik Trip!

I have been waiting for this day to come for several months now and up to this point it has seemed pretty surreal. For the first time in my life, I am going to move out of the great state of Kansas and am going to move to one of the largest cities in the world where I really know no one and try to make a life for myself over there. I can't wait!

Bring on the accents!!!

Oh, and does anyone know of someone who needs a very faithful 2005 Honda Civic?!?!? :)